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Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Microsoft Outlook tricks

Outlook offers some powerful features for managing your e-mail,meetings, and contacts. The problem is, it offers so much that learning to useit all efficiently can take time. Some options are buried several menus deep. Othersjust aren't as intuitive as they should be. The key to using Outlookefficiently is to customize its many views and options to suit your workinghabits. (If you're using a version earlier than 2003, you might have to adjustthe steps a bit.)

Tip #1: Save a few keystrokes when entering dates

When entering the start and due dates for a new task, youdon't have to type the entire date. If a date is in the current month, justenter the day and Outlook will enter the rest of the date for you. Forinstance, if the current month is March and you enter 14, Outlook assumes youmean March 14 of the current year and fills in that date.
When a date isn't in the current month, you can still save afew keystrokes by entering the month and day. Outlook will fill in the year asfollows:
  • If the month and day haven't occurred in thecurrent year, Outlook uses the current year.
  • If the month and day have passed, Outlook usesthe next year.

Tip #2: Control how you print notes

If you use the Notes feature to jot down questions, ideas,or quick reminders, you might also want to print them occasionally. By default,Outlook prints each note on a separate page, which might or might not be whatyou want. You can force Outlook to fill each page, to save paper or to keeprelated notes together. Select the notes you want to print and then choosePrint from the File menu. In the resulting Print dialog box, deselect the StartEach Item On A New Page check box in the Print Options and click OK.
If the option is disabled, you're using HTML format. Youmust switch to plain or text format to enable this option. To do so, chooseOptions from the Tools menu. Click on the Mail Format tab and choose Plain Textfrom the Compose In This Message Format option's drop-down list. Then, clickApply and OK. Repeat the print instructions, and you'll find the Start EachItem On A New Page option is enabled. After printing the notes, just retraceyour steps to reset your format setting.

Tip #3: Print e-mail when it arrives

For a variety of reasons, some of us end up printing e-mailmessages. If you print most of your messages, or all of your messages from aspecific source, opening each message to print it manually interrupts yourwork. Setting a rule to print the desired incoming mail might be moreefficient. To do so:
  1. Fromthe Tools menu, choose Rules And Alerts.
  2. ClickNew Rule on the E-mail Rules tab.
  3. ClickStart From A Blank Rule at the top of the resulting Rules Wizard dialog box.
  4. Inthe Step 1 box, highlight the Check Messages When They Arrive option (it shouldbe the default) and then click Next.
  5. Inthe Step 1 box, select the Where My Name Is In The To Box check box (orwhatever option applies, if you don't want to print all you messages) and clickNext.
  6. Inthe Step 1 box, click the Print It option and click Next.
  7. Atthis point, you can identify exceptions to the rule, but we won't do that here.Just click Next, and then Finish, Apply, and OK to return to Outlook.
After setting up the new print rule, Outlook will printevery incoming message that meets your requirements. Now, the chances are thatyou won't want to print every message. So make good use of the conditionsoffered in steps 5 and 7 to limit the messages Outlook prints.

Tip #4: Store sent mail efficiently

When you reply to an e-mail, Outlook stores a copy of thatmessage in the Sent folder. If you're like me, your Sent folder has thousandsof messages. If you need to find a specific message later, you must sortthrough all those messages, and that takes time. Instead, store your replieswith the original message. For instance, suppose you automatically route allyour messages from your boss into a folder named, appropriately enough, MyBoss.If you want Outlook to store your replies in MyBoss with the original messages,do the following:
  1. Fromthe Tools menu, choose Options.
  2. Onthe Preferences tab (which should be selected by default), click E-mail Optionsin the E-mail section.
  3. ClickAdvanced E-mail Options at the bottom of the Message Handling section.
  4. Inthe Save Messages section, select the In Folders Other Than The Inbox, SaveReplies With The Original Message check box and then click OK three times toreturn to Outlook.
Outlook will apply this setting to all of your personalfolders. Just remember that Outlook saves replies with the original message andnot in the Sent folder only when theoriginal message is in a folder other than the Inbox. Outlook continues to saveall replies sent from messages in the Inbox in the Sent folder

Tip #5: Create a Flags toolbar

Quick Flags help you categorize your messages, usually bysome level of importance or by task. For instance, you might use a red flag tomark messages that need a quick response and a blue flag to mark messages onwhich you've acted and are waiting for a response.
The problem with Quick Flags is that there's no way tocustomize their descriptions. Outlook identifies them only by color. You can'tchange the name of Red Flag to Critical. Remembering what each color representscan become burdensome.
An easy way to remember what each flag represents is tocreate a custom toolbar that displays each flag with text that means somethingto you. Fortunately, the process is easy:
  1. Fromthe Tools menu, choose Customize.
  2. Onthe Toolbars tab, click New and name the new toolbar appropriately (for instance,you might name it "Flags") and click OK.
  3. Inthe Customize dialog box, click the Commands tab.
  4. SelectActions from the Categories list box.
  5. Next,drag the appropriate flag color buttons from the Commands list to the customtoolbar. (If you can't find the toolbar, look behind the dialog box.)
  6. Afteradding all the flags you want, change the text for each flag button.Right-click a flag button and replace the Name setting, e.g., &Red Flag,with something more helpful, such as "Critical." Select the Image And Textoption so that Outlook will display the button's name on the toolbar.
Completesteps 6 and 7 for each flag button in your new toolbar.

Tip #6: Modify the scope of your Calendar work week

By default, the Work Week calendarview displays the five days of the traditional business week, Monday throughFriday. To include Saturday and Sunday in that view, choose Options from theTools menu. In the resulting Options dialog box, click Calendar Options in theCalendar section. In the Calendar Options dialog box, check Sat and Sun in theCalendar Work Week section. Then, click OK twice to return to the Calendar.
You don't have to view a seven- ortraditional five-day work week. Check the days of the week that apply to youfor a custom work week view. For example, if you work Wednesday through Sunday,you can make those selections to build a view that reflects your schedule.

Tip #7: Use color to identify messages from specific senders

Expecting important mail? Identifyit as soon as it comes in by displaying it in a distinctive color. Start by selectan existing message from the sender in question, if you have one. If you don't,that's okay; you can enter the sender's name manually. Now follow these steps:
  1. InMail, choose Organize from the Tools menu.
  2. Inthe Ways To Organize Mail pane, click the Colors link on the left side.
  3. Inthe first condition statement (we won't use the second), choose From in thefirst drop-down list.
  4. Ifyou chose a message before starting, the sender's name will appear in the textbox to the right. If it's the wrong name, enter the right name or the person'se-mail address.
  5. Choosea color from the second drop-down list.
  6. ClickApply Color and close the pane.
Afterward, Outlook will display allmessages, existing and new, from the person you specified in step 4 in thecolor you selected in step 5.

Tip #8: Distinguish incoming mail from existing mail

By default, Outlook displaysincoming mail as bold text until you read it. If you need a bit more help,consider displaying unread mail in a bright color. To do so, you'll work in aview, not a rule:
  1. InMail, choose Inbox.
  2. ChooseArrange By from the View menu.
  3. SelectCurrent View and then Define View from the subsequent submenus.
  4. Inthe Custom View Organizer dialog box, check the <Current View Settings> optionand click Modify.
  5. ClickAutomatic Formatting.
  6. Inthe Automatic Formatting dialog box, click Font.
  7. Inthe Font dialog box, choose a color from the Color dropdown list, and click OKthree times. Then, click Apply View.
Outlook will display all unreadmail in the Inbox in the color you choose in step 7. Doing so won't displayunread messages automatically routed to other folders. Since this is a view, itworks only on the current folder. However, you can set up a similar view forany folder you like. In addition, the unread mail formatting takes precedentover colors used to identify mail from a specific sender (see Tip #7).

Tip #9: Force replies to reach multiple recipients

A problem arises when you needrecipients to reply to everyone receiving a message. The responding recipientmust remember to click Reply All instead of Reply. If the recipient forgets toclick Reply All, you're the only one who will see the reply, forcing you toforward it to everyone else, which is inefficient. Before you send the message,you can configure it to reply to everyone:
  1. Whencomposing the message, click the Options button on the Formatting toolbar.
  2. ChooseOptions from the resulting drop-down list.
  3. Inthe Message Options dialog box, check the Have Replies Sent To option in theDelivery Options section, which will automatically enter your e-mail address.
  4. Next,click the Select Names button to the right and select all the appropriaterecipients.
  5. ClickClose to return to your message.
When any recipient responds to themessage, regardless of which reply choice they click, the reply will go toeveryone you specified in the Have Replies Sent To option.

Tip #10: Create a temporary work week in the Calendar

The Work Week calendar viewdisplays a week view, and you define what constitutes a work week (see Tip #6).If you need to see more or less than the usual work week, you can temporarilychange that view. In the Date Navigation pane, click the first date you want toview. Then, hold down the [Shift] key and press the last date in the period.Outlook automatically adjusts the Calendar Work Week to include all of thedates in the selected time period. Alternately, you can view a group of noncontiguousdates by holding down [Ctrl] instead of [Shift] as you click dates. Outlookwill display the days in order, regardless of how you select them.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

PHP Proper Redirect for Search Engines

How to do a permanent redirect using PHP.
Place this code at the top of your PHP page.

header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header("Location: http://www.example.com/otherpage.php");

Show users IP in a graphic

create a new page, copy the text below and save it as image.php (or whatever you wish)
All you’ll need to display on other pages is the code below.
<img src=”http://yoursitehere.com/image.php” border=”1″>
note: this code will only on systems that support GD image tools

How to Use your Gmail account as a personal file server

GMail Drive is a Shell Namespace Extension that creates a virtual filesystem around your Google GMail account, allowing you to use GMail as a storage medium.
GMail Drive creates a virtual filesystem on top of your Google GMail account and enables you to save and retrieve files stored on your GMail account directly from inside Windows Explorer. GMail Drive literally adds a new drive to your computer under the My Computer folder, where you can create new folders, copy and drag’n'drop files to.
 Screen Shot

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

How to Run Multiple Yahoo! Messengers

If you prefer to edit and change the registry setting yourself manually, without using the above registry registration file, simply launch the registry editor (type regedit at Run command), and navigate to the following registry branch:
Then, on the right pane, right click on the registry editor and select “New”, then create a new DWORD registry value. Name the new registry key as Plural, and assign it the value of 1 (decimal). If some case, the value of 2 should also works. To disable or disallow multiple instance of Yahoo Messengers, simply change and set the “Plural” registry key’s value to 0, or delete the “Plural” key.

Settling in the Grey Zone travian

Advantages to Settling in the Grey Zone:

Before I venture forward with my presentation a few things about the natar gray area(there were people asking me things like 'Hey man, why do you want to settle there anyway?'.
  • All Oases have a +50% bonus, including wood, iron and clay!
  • There are a high degree of croppers in this area. Many 9c and 15c croppers can be found here and because of all the +50% bonus there is a very high probability to find croppers with +150% bonus!
  • You'll be close to all WW Villages which in T4 have a fixed position which is known right from the start of the game. Thus you can provide great support to your own WW as well as strike quickly (and unexpectedly) at enemy WWs and their support villages!
  • Being close to the center you have a great opportunity for raiding as well!
  • Such a position is great for taking artifacts because unique artefact's tend to spawn close to the center of the map!

Disadvantages to Settling in the Grey Zone:

Disadvantages for settling in the natar gray area
  • Any villages settled in the grey zone give no culture points! Ouch! Be prepared to use a lot of artworks and host constant parties to compensate for that. At any rate you probably won't want to have more than 2-3 villages in this area. A way to deal with this inconvenience is to find a good cropper right next to where the grey area ends and have other villages settled a few squares away on normal terrain.
  • Being in the center means you'll attract a lot of players so be prepared to take quite a lot of action. A high amount of online time is a must and you should have atleast one dual and some sitters to cover for your account!
  • Also, as soon as you settle, the natars will launch catapult attacks at you. This is the part that we'll look into!
Preparing to Settle:

Most obviously these should be done before proceeding to settle. I will tell you what I did and why, but you must be able to distinguish for yourself if you need to do that too or it's not necessary. I wanted this to go as smoothly as possible so I gave it a lot of thought before doing it and actually over did it a bit.

1. Gold is a very handy/useful thing to have. Ok, so you probably don't need me to tell you that, however don't deny it's importance. Like I said, my personal policy is not to buy gold, but that doesn't prevent me from using it, if I have it. In Travian 4 gold is fairly easy to obtain. I simply sold all my items that I found in adventures. I managed to get around 150k of silver from these so that makes plenty of gold for what I needed. 

I tried to do a bit of business with  items - I sold a sword for 90k and figured that if I bought another sword for 45k I did a very good deal. This did not work for the second sword I paid 45k however I only sold for 20k, meaning I lost 25k ! My advice is that if you don't have the gift for trading, just stick to what you know, like I did. Anyway I used gold for plus, resource bonus, got gold club and I activated evasion.

2. Pile up as many resources as possible ready to transfer to your new village. I know that time is of the  essence, but waiting a few more hours will definitely not kill you. On the other hand natars might, if you're not prepared that is!

3. Having a high level market can only help. The more resources you can transfer, the better. I had level 10, but I would recommend a higher level if possible. Merchants vary a lot regarding both their speed and carrying capacity, depending on which tribe you are playing. I played romans and they are the worst at this. Slow merchants and worst carrying capacity

4. Talk to your other ally members to help you with resources maybe even convince the leader to get a MM sent out. However if you get help from ally members be prepared to help the others who then need it themselves.

5. There are some tricks you can do with your hero. Buy him a pennant and at least one skill book. After you settle the village, build a hero mansion there. Send him there and use the book to put all his skill points into resources. every little bit helps! Warning - do not send him there before the hero mansion is built, because if you do, those resources produced by your hero will remain attached to you main village (or the last village you visited that had a hero mansion in it).

6. More tricks. I love these and I bet you do too. I saved some of the rewards from the task master - what I mean here is I didn't take them as soon as I could. In case you don't know already, those rewards are received in the village you're currently at when you decide to take them. A great way to transfer resources, but there is a small catch - see the warning. Warning - Make absolutely sure you have enough storage capacity for the reward resources to fit into. I will give you an example:

The reward for "Palace or Residence to level 10?" is 3400 wood, 2800 clay, 3600 iron and 2200 crop. In order to be able to receive it in your new village you must have at least level 5 warehouse (this can store up to 4000 resources) and a level 3 granary (which can store up to 2300 crop). Also, you actually must have available space in them to store the reward. If they are full, the game won't let you take the reward ! Seems the developers have taken some precautions and decided to not let you waste the reward resources at any cost.

Settling Your Village:

Get your settlers and send them to your desired location. The game warns you about settling there, but you already did some preparations and you shoukd feel rather confident about it now. As soon as your settlers set foot and settle the village, 14 natar waves will be launched at you. These attacks will arrive around 24 hours from the time your village was settled no matter where it's location in the gray area may be. These attacks do not obey the normal game travel the units have. The reason is rather obvious - if they would be calculated according to the distance of their point of origin (0,0) you would have no chance settling in the center of the gray area.  So you practically have 24h at your disposal to do this build. The first wave to arrive is the cleaner which is meant to wipe out all defenses you might have in there. Rest of the waves are much weaker than the first, but still way too powerful to be stopped. All waves have catapults with double target so they will make 28 hits. From the best of my knowledge all catapults attacks are random and not meant at anything in particular (the natars could very well assume that you have a main building because every village starts with that, but they decided not to take advantage of this fact in particular).

My waves were spread in a 4 seconds interval so there is the possibility for inserts in several places. However, these natar attacks are rather strong and they will kill a lot of defensive units for sure (due to their increased stats) so you're better off letting them to destroy a few low level buildings. Actually this is the whole plan. It's very important to note that the attacks are one time only. IF you survive, they'll never bother 
you again!

Time for even more tricks. Now what could I possibly still have ? Well, there is a special building called the Stonemason's Lodge. It says there that it gives a bonus to resistance for all buildings. This is nice, but unfortunately the natar attacks are so powerful, you have no way to stand up to them. So what else there is about it ? Well, it has the same property as the cranny, you can't directly target it with catapults and it gives population even at level 1. But then again so can a level 6 cranny. Then why bother with the stonemason's lodge which requires a palace and a for the palace you need an embassy and a level 5 main building and on top of that it can only be built in the capital?

I talked in the forum with players far more experienced than myself which have confirmed for a fact that the stonemason's lodge is always the LAST building to be hit by catapults. So it's not a matter of maybe they hit it, maybe they don't. This is a very important piece of information and not many do not know about it, because it is not even documented in game's help. I personally finished several servers without even building this at all so it's definitely not common knowledge. Catapults will not hit it, unless it's the only building left standing in the village. So that's basically the insurance policy to ensure your survival.

What To Build There:

I built the following in my village:
  • All resource fields to level 1. Even if you can't NPC, I would recommend doing the resources first because while it won't have time it's the only thing that at least gives your something back!
  • Granary Level 3!
  • Warehouse Level 5!
  • Hero Mansion Level 1!
  • Market Level 1!
  • Embassy Level 1!
  • Barracks Level 1!
  • Rally Point Level 1!
  • Palace Level 1!
  • Stonemason's Lodge Level 1!
  • 1 Cranny Level 1!
  • 10 Cranny Level 10!
I used about 40 gold during this process, mostly for instant build. I only did 2 or 3 npc in total, but you should know that building is my specialty and I'm really good at balancing resources.