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Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Blue screen while trying to install xp

If you are trying to install the Windows XP from scratch on the laptop, please BE SURE that you put the Hard Drive on "Compatibility" mode in BIOS, which was defaulted to "AHCI" (Compatibility is also known as IDE). 

Otherwise, you will experience the "blue screen" issue. To change that setting, you need to do the following: 
1. Press F2 when booting up the computer 
2. Select 'Config', then 'Serial ATA (SATA)' 
3. Change controller option to 'Compatibility' / 'IDE'

Monday, 26 December 2011

Process Hacker

View and manage processes, services and more with this powerful tool.

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Set the Default Search Language to English in Google Chrome

And here is Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V for lazy ones:
1. Go to “Options” in chrome
2. Click “Manage” at the Default Search section
3. Click “Add”
4. Put the name as “Google.COM”
5. Put keyword as “always google.com”
6. Paste this as the URL > http://www.google.com/search?q=%s
7. Click “Ok”
8. Click “Make Default”

Thursday, 22 December 2011

How do I move window buttons to right side? Ubuntu

Here's how to do it without using UbuntuTweak:

Alt-F2 (run a teminal window)>gconf-editor>apps>metacity>general>change button_layout to menu:maximize,minimize,close

Ready Made CSS Scripts

Feel free to copy and paste the following ready made CSS scripts to your website. The codes are free to use, no link back required. We've included our favorites that we use ourselves across Hypergurl.
If you would like to learn how to write your own cascading stylesheets, take our comprehensive CSS tutorial. Learn how to code CSS to overlap text and images, position elements relatively or absolutely and much more. Webdesigning has never been so easy with the power of CSS.

<p onMouseOut="this.style.color = 'black';" onMouseOver="this.style.color = 'red';" align="justify">
Your text here to change text on mouseover</p>

You can change the color of your text, be it a full paragraph or just one word by applying the code below to any valid HTML tag. The code is applied inline to your text where you want the text mouseover color applied.
Run your mouse over this sentence to see an example. Awesome!
<p onMouseOut="this.style.color = 'black';" onMouseOver="this.style.color = 'red';" align="justify">
Your text here to change text on mouseover</p>

No underline on links

You'll notice across our website, when you hover over a link there is no underline displayed. Shown below is the CSS script we implimented. Add this code to your page, within the <head></head>tags or within your external CSS file.

<style type="text/css">
<!-- A:link {text-decoration:none} A:visited {text-decoration:none} -->

Background Styles

Have you ever made a nice background graphic and not wanted it to tile into many pictures all over your webpage? You can change your background attributes so that it tiles in one row vertically or horizontally across your page.

<style type="text/css">
<!-- body {background-image: url(yourfilename.gif); background-repeat: your attribute } -->

You can see a working example of this script at
Here is the exact script I used with a simple little 100 x 40 graphic, to help give you the idea on how to impliment it:
<style type="text/css">
<!-- body {background-image: url(balletgirl.gif); background-repeat: repeat-y} --></style>

Script for changing linked text color on mouseover

Yes, we undertand this can be done by several other methods. However it's much more fun using CSS scripts to change linked text color on mouseover. Add this code within your <head> tags or external CSS file. To keep the underline on your links, replace "none" with "underline" Change "YourColor" with the hexidecimal number of color required.
<style type="text/css">
<!-- A:link { text-decoration: none; color:#YourColor } A:visited { text-decoration: none; color:#YourColor } A:hover { text-decoration: none; color:#YourColor } -->

Color scrollbar script

It's uncertain how many browsers are still supporting color scrollbars. I understand IE only supported it for one version, then dropped it with the next. However we will keep the code here for those who wish to learn from it. Add the following script within your head tag and change the color attributes to suit.

<style type="text/css">
body { scrollbar-arrow-color: ffffff; scrollbar-base-color:ffffff; scrollbar-dark-shadow-color: ffffff; scrollbar-track-color: ffffff; scrollbar-face-color: ffffff; scrollbar-shadow-color: ffffff; scrollbar-highlight-color: ffffff; scrollbar-3d-light-color: ffffff; }

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Travian combat strategies

In this travian combat strategy guide I will go through a couple of basic combat strategies everyone has to know to play travian well. The strategies and tecniques here will be used from day one and throughout the whole game.
I guess this is the most important one to know, and I guess pretty much everyone who’s reading this know what it is. Anyways though, it means sending your army out of your city when another player attacks to avoid a fight and avoid loosing troops. You will be doing this all the time, as you never want to defend your city with offense troops, so you always dodge unless you have defensive troops there with them or you’re certain it’s just a tiny attack that won’t hurt your offense force at all.

This one is also very important, but many new players don’t know about it. I see all the time players having their clubs killed by my horses and just calling me lucky for hitting them at the exact time they return. It has nothing to do with luck at all, and it’s quite easy using the right tools. I suggest you bookmark this site. It’s webpage where you can put in the starting times and figure out when the army reaches it’s home. First I’ll let you know how to do it when you have troops that have a different speed than the troops the other player attacks you with. Usually you know what kind of troops are coming at you when you see how long time it takes for the attack to reach you. At least in the beginning this is easy, as teutons will have clubs, romans imperians and gauls phalaxes.
Say you have an incoming attack at 2.00.00 pm, just to make it easy. This is from a teauton, so you know how fast his troops move. You have a bunch of imperians yourself, and you wisely decide that it’s better to counter the attack and hit his army at home than it is to defend your own village. Clubs have horrible defense after all. You go to the travel time calculator and type in your own as well as your enemys location and 2.00.00 pm as the starting time, the calculator will then show you when your enemys clubs will be home, say thay are at home at 2.30.00 pm. Now you know you have to send out your imperians so they reach your enemy at exactly 2.30.01 pm, one second after he gets his clubs home, so that he has no chance of sending them away. (Sending them at 2.30.00 might work too, but it’s a gamble and 1 second is good enough) Anyways, now you remember the time 2.30.01 pm, and you type that into the calculator and chose end time instead of starting time, now the calculator will show you when you have to send your imperians to reach there at this time. This will be at some time before 2.00.00 pm as imperians are slower, just look at the exact same time in the calculator and launch your counter attack at this time. If you have say IEs to counter with, you’d launch the attack later as the IEs are much faster than clubs, in fact they are twice as fast.
What if you both have clubs or other type of troops that move at the same speed? Well, then you can’t use this method. What you have to do then is to first dodge and then counter, and the best you can possibly do is to get it like 3 seconds after your enemy returns. That will be good enough against most players though, so I suggest that you still do it. If your enemy arrives at 2.00.00 pm as before, send out your own army say 39 seconds before, at 1.59.21. Then you wait 20 seconds exactly and click the red x to return it home. Now it will return at 2.00.01 pm, one second after your enemys attack has passed by. No you move quick, have another browser window open and send it at your enemy right away. The faster you are with this the harder it will be for your enemy to save his army.
How about if your enemys troops are twice as fast as yours? Well that’s too bad for you, you can’t counter anything that’s twice as fast as you or more, as you’d have to launch your attack at the same time or before your opponent launches his. So unless you can read your enemys mind you have no chance of doing this. All you can do is either research a faster type of troop or build defensive troops to have in your village.
Fake attacks
Fake attacks are attacks that are not real, kinda obvious I guess? They are very real for the one troop that is sent into death though, but who cares. Sometimes you don’t want your enemy to know when your real attack comes so you send out one troop to attack him with now and then, and then suddenly you send your whole force. Alliances also sometimes uses this in wars to attack all their enemy alliances at the same time, so the enemy alliances have no idea what player to defend as they are all under attack. Fakes and real attacks are mixed up this way to confuse your enemys and avoid their defense walls. When sending catapult waves this is also usefull, as you don’t want your target to know which of the hits in the wave is the real clearing attack, so you send a bunch of lone catapults first to confuse him.

Travian starting tutorial

If you want to be successfull and become one of the biggest and most powerfull players in Travian you have to start out farming. I’m sure you already know what that is, but anyways, it means attacking your neighbours for resources. It doesn’t matter whether you’re playing teuton, roman or gaul, they all grow fastest with farming their neighbours. I’ve seen in a lot of of guides where the writer claims the best way to play roman or is to start out slowly building your resource fields and then cranny up, but that’s just plain wrong. With farming you’ll get a good portion of resources from tens to hundreds of villages instead of just one, can’t argue with that. Teutons are more suited for farming from the very start, but all tribes can do it and should do so from the start.

Farming your neighbourhood is closely related with dominating and taking control of your neighbourhood. Teutons can do so from the start, trying to kill off the troops of their neighbours with their clubs, while romans and gauls should avoid conflicts untill they get TTs(theutates thunders) and EI(equites imperatoris). That means depending on which tribe you play you’ll have some different goals from the start, but they all lead to the final goal of farming and dominating your neighbourhood. By your neighbourhood I mean your 7×7 from the very start and expanding it gradually till your 21×21 or possibly even further. I don’t think anyone should start building infrastructure and run parties to get a second village untill this goal is reached.
When creating your account the first thing you should do is to check your area for oases and croppers. I wouldn’t want to stay in an area without at least one 25% crop 25% of something else oasis in your 7×7. There should also be at least one 15 cropper with crop oases in your 13×13, preferably more, and also a few more 9 croppers and 15 croppers in your 21×21. I prefer starting the server 4 or 5 days late so I don’t start in the middle where there usually is a lot of active players, and also so that I can start farming when I’m in protection, but that is up to you. My guides will work for you in either case.
One more thing which is really important is to not get your troops killed. In the beginning there is no reason to have your troops in your village when you’re being attacked, in fact you should never have them at home, they should always be busy raiding. Send them away to some village far away when you’re not active, and if someone attack you just spend all your resources and they will get nothing. This is especially important for teutons as the clubs are horrible for defence, so don’t defend with them, attack with them. Another reason not to have your army at home at any time is to not let anyone find out the size of it, especially for romans and gauls this is important. The other players in the area will expect nothing untill you raid them with a huge army and kill all their troops.
About alliances from the start, don’t join any. You’ll just limit the number of villages you can farm. Usually the alliances who offer people to join them from the start who they don’t know have no clue what their are doing and will just slow you down. Just reply that you will think about their offer and get back to them at a later stage. Try to stay out of politics and conflicts from the start, focus on the main goals, killing the armies of other farmers and domiating and farming your neighbourhood efficiently.
When raiding you can start out sending as little as 2 troops as teuton or roman and 4 as a gaul. Increase this by one if you think they have this rat that they get in the reward program. As soon as you get the report you send out another raiding party and repeat untill you don’t get max resources anymore. Start out with villages with less than 15 pop as chances are they don’t have troops, most romans and gauls less than 30 pop won’t have troops either. Also take note of when players come of protection so that you can launch a raid at them at that very moment if it looks like they are inactivce. Some of those may have maxed warehouses and granarys and you want to be the one getting all that loot. If you start loosing troops increase the size of the raiding party a little, but 3-4 troops usually not for not loosing any unless the target has a high level residence and wall.
When killing off your competitors troops try to do it in a way so that you loose as little of your own troops as possible. As gaul and roman you should attack clubs with your horses, and counter any attach made on you, don’t try to defend it with your defence troops as that will cost you a lot more. To counter efficiently you’ll have to hit your enemys troops exactly after the time they return home, use one of those travel time calculation tools you’ll find online. As a teuton you might have to send your clubs out, then call them back after the enemy attack to then send them out countering. This makes it hard to time it closely, but do your best, even if your enemy has a 4-5 seconds to dodge your counterattack he still may not make it. Be carefull so that your enemy can not use the same tactic against you, that means, don’t attack a player you know have a lot of fast cavallery with slow troops like clubs.

Travian Roman strategy guide

Strategy guide for aggressive raiding roman players. I’ve dominated my area and reached high on the rankings on several servers playing like this.
The Roman tribe is a very interesting one, and for some reason everyone advice new players to go for romans. I really wonder why, I can’t see why it would be the easiest one to play. Usually most new players who chose roman as their tribe just become farms right away. I’m not saying roman is a bad tribe, it’s just played far too passively by many players in my opinion.
Get the rewards
In all my guides I say that you should start following the rewards program first. If you don’t have that on your server, you just build whatever you need to get the homeland bonus, then lvl 3 main building, granary, warehouse, marketplace, rally point and barracks. No need to build up all the fields then, and even if you have the reward bonus on the server, quit after quest number 21 and don’t build all the fields to level two, it’s a waste of resources. You can do that later when you really need the extra gold you get for it, and if you don’t need the gold just wait with it till you have your second village.
Let’s look at the roman basic foot soldier for a bit, the imperian. 40 offense, 35 infantry defense and 50 cavalry defense. The cavalry defense is pretty useless at the start of the server, 35 infantry defense is pretty good though. Having 40 offense it’s definitely a stronger troop when it comes to pure fighting than the famous teuton clubs. It’s much worse in raiding though, only being able to carry 2/3 of the resources and walking slower. It also costs 440 resources compared to a club swinger costing only 250. Cause of all this you can’t compete with a teuton from the start.
So what do you do? I suggest laying low and avoiding strong teutons from the start. They will attack you, but just be active enough so that they never catch your troops or get any resources from you. They will be busy farming and probably not notice you as you’ll be building troops and your population won’t grow very much at all from the start. Your legionnaires are too expensive to lose in fights with teutons at this point, so here is your first goal as a roman.

2 legionnaires
From the time you have 2 legionnaires you start farming 24/7 with them, but be careful, you don’t wanna loose even a single one of them. If you’re playing on quest reward server make sure you attack players with 15 or more population with 3 or more troops the first time to avoid losses. As soon as you get the battle report you’ll attack again assuming you got max.
Keep building more legionnaires 24/7 and keep them out raiding all the time, never have them at home when you’re not online. Even if they defend fairly well you don’t want to loose them, this is not the time to kill other peoples armies, you’ll wait with that till later. You also don’t want any large teuton in the neighborhood noticing you and attack you more frequently cause of that. Stay under the radar and pretend you’re just an inactive farm.
I usually don’t build anything but troops in this period, but it’s ok to build up some more crop fields if it makes you feel safer. As a roman you also need a cranny as teutons will be raiding you, and you don’t want to loose all your crops when your crop production is negative, as you’ll then loose some of your precious troops. You will be negative in crop production if you play my style, but it’s no problem as long as your active.
100 legionnaires
Yes, I know it sounds like a lot, but I believe it is necessary. Legionnaires farm much slower than clubs and to support the building of infrastructure for your EIs(equites imperatoris) you’ll need a large farming income. If your area is an exceptionally good one, and you get close to max in each of your raids I guess you can do with 60-70 or so, but then you have to be very active. You don’t want to spend too much time building up the academy and stables, as you’ll then be too far behind in troops.
What about imperians you might say? Most romans seem to go for imperians first after all. I believe this is a big mistake. What do you need these imperians for now? They are better raiders than the legionnaires that’s true, and it costs less resources to build buildings and research them, but compared to EIs they are crap at this point. Who will you be facing in your battles now? Teautons with clubs, and the EIs are way way better than imperians fighting clubs. They can counter atttack clubs easily, they can kill them almost without losses and they can’t be countered by club armies themselves as they are twice as fast as clubs. They are also better raiders than imperians in general even if there are no teutons at all close to you.
When you’ve got those EIs you can start having fun, now you’re gonna start hitting those teutons around you over and over, counter any attacks they make with their clubs, just look at the combat guide on how to do that well, and kill all of their troops. It feels really good to retaliate on someone who’s been attacking you before, doesn’t it? They may start building spears and hinder you, but this will take them a long time, and spears are defensive units that they can’t really raid efficiently with. While you’re farming and attacking teutons with your EIs you’ll keep farming the other villages in the area with your legionnaires.
20 equites imperatoris
As soon as you have 15-20 EIs you should go build a hero mansion and get a hero EI. You’ll boost his offense points and he’ll hopefully be levelling fast killing all those clubs. If you happen to run out of teutons to kill off in your 21×21 just use your EIs to farm the other villages in the area. If you don’t have scouts already now you better research them now, usually I reasearch scouts as soon as I’ve got the prerequisites for it, at the 100 legionnaires point that is.
Just keep raiding and farming building EIs non stop, any extra resources will be put into crop fields as you’ll have a massive negative crop production by now. The other fields are not that important but let them follow 2-3 levesls behind. When your crop fields reach level 5 or so, start putting extra resources into party and second village infrastructure, take a look at other guides if you don’t know how.
100 equites imperatoris
I am usually at around 100 EIs at the time I found my second city, and I’ll probably have enough culture points without holding a party on speed, on a normal server maybe one party is needed.
The same ideas of where to put your second village goes for any tribe really. If you’re using gold and/or are playing on a normal server a 15 cropper is the way to go. A cropper will produce more total resources than any other city cause of the bonus buildings, and it will also be a better base for big armies, so if you use gold you should always chose a 15 cropper. If you’re playing on a normal server you should also always chose a 15 cropper as it’s too hard supporting a big army from a 6444 city with normal resource production. Troops eat as much on a normal server, but you production is only one third of speed. When you get your second city on a normal server you stop producting troops in your first city and build it in your second city, the 15 cropper, instead. That’s why you shouldn’t research anything in your first city apart from scouts, since you’ll have to do it all over again in your second one anyways.
A 6444 can easily support a pretty big army on speed, so it’s more up to you there. If you play on speed and don’t use gold, you can chose a 6444 if you wish, but at least city number 4 or 5 has to be a 15 cropper.
Village number 2
Now when you’ve got your second village it’s time to upgrade more of those resource fields. You should also take the time to research imperians. No reason to stop raiding with your legionnaires, but imperians are much better raiders and you should start building those in your barracks now. How you balance the production of imperians versus EIs depends a lot on what your neighbourhood looks like. If there are a lot of teutons with clubs and axes left to be killed go for more EIs, if there are more romans, gauls and teutons with spear defenses go for more imperians.
Onwards now you just keep up raiding and dominating your neighbourhood, build up a bigger army and upgrade your resource fields. On a speed server you have to be partying all the time, while on a normal server it’s better to go for culture buildings like the embassy. Don’t rush researching EC (equites caesaris), they are not that good raiders, they are expensive and they are to be used for your main offense army later in the game. I’ll just end this guide here as it is a starting guide, I’ll write more about endgame on this page later.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Tweak your Cbox

ok guys let me share you a simple tweak in your cbox to make it..ummm look great i think....
> first,go to your cbox acct...if you dont have..well better make one..here: CBOX
> go to options...
> click smilies...
delete all default smilies..and put those cool smilies...that you got...
you can copy all my smilies guys if you want...go to my profile and then copy all my smilies...
click smilies button and then save it...
> go to your imageshack acct(www.imageshack.us/photobucket acctwww.photobucket.com and upload those smilies that you just copied..
ok here you should have to do,copy the url of the smilies that you had just uploaded..
remember:put a code or any numbers @ the code area to make it work...

you can have as many as you want.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

How to restore your Computer to default Security Settings

Whether it is after the virus attack on your system or by some security setting changes that you mistakenly made, it might happen that your computer start giving you some access errors like 0×80070005 error messages.
If you find yourselves facing some error messages like “You don’t have permission to perform this operation” or some error messages when you try to install some programs, then you can have your system restored to default security settings to fix these issues.

With the help of this small application called Security Restore you can restore your computer to the default factory security settings. It will also attempt to repair the dreaded 0×80070005 error messages when trying to register dll files while installing certain Windows components or programs.
However we would recommend you to use this tool to fix the error messages if the direct fixes for the error messages are not working. It can also happen that when you are updating your computer or installing Antivirus program after virus removal you come across some permission issues, in this situation this tool might help.
Download Security Restore

Delete Temp and Junk Files from the entire System

Our computer creates temporary files, junk files, system logs, cookies and various other things that are not always needed by us, thus we can make our system free that space and run faster. These files are useful sometimes but can be deleted always.
Now if you are deleting them manually by visiting each and every location, it will take you lot of time for sure, and also you can miss upon certain items from deletion. Here is a simple way of doing this and deleting every temp and junk file from the system with the help of a tool called BleachBit.

BleachBit quickly deletes the useless data, free space, free cache, delete cookies, clear Internet history, shred temporary files, delete logs, and discard junk you didn’t know was there. It cleans 90 applications including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Adobe Flash, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari,and more.
Beyond simply deleting files, BleachBit includes advanced features such as shredding files to prevent recovery, wiping free disk space to hide traces of files deleted by other applications, and vacuuming Firefox to make it faster.
There are many options to choose from in the tool, and the UI is very simple too. You can easily select what all files you need to delete and from what all applications. It is a single tool that can erase all the junk files from entire computer and the apps. Moreover the tool is free to use.
Download BleachBit

How do I get photos off my Apple iPhone?

I'm really glad you're running Leopard, aka Mac OS X 10.5, actually, because there's one simple change that Apple's made to the way the phone interacts with the Mac that's a huge boon for those of us that actually take pics with the iPhone!
Plug in your phone, and even if you don't want to sync it with your iTunes software you'll find that if there are photos on the phone that Image Capture can now see 'em and grab them for you:
Mac OS X: Leopard: Image Capture lets you get photos off your iPhone
What I've done is set up a new 'iPhone Pictures" folder in my Pictures directory (instead of the default "Pictures, Movies and Music folders", choose "Other..." then navigate to your Pictures directory and click "New Folder" on the lower left).
Click on "Download All" and you've just accomplished the world's easiest cellphone photo sync on your new Macintosh!
If you are running an earlier version of Mac OS X, then I suggest that you let iPhoto do the work: start that up before you plug in your phone and it should see the phone and offer you the opportunity to download your pictures into an iPhoto "roll".

How do I copy music onto my Apple iPhone from iTunes?

As with much to do with the iPhone, there's a bit of a trick to getting this working smoothly so you can have control over your iPhone music, while keeping it as darn easy to work with as possible. The answer? Create a custom playlist for your iPhone music library.
Let me show you how to do it - it's pretty darn easy.
Pop into iTunes and choose File --> New Playlist. Now rename it to something logical: I use "iPhone Sync":
Apple iTunes in Mac OS X: New Playlist for iPhone
Now you can just drag and drop music from your iTunes library (in iTunes, needless to say) into this new playlist. When you're ready, you'll see a bunch of music happily ensconced in the playlist (remember, it's all just "pointers": the actual music files are still safely in the main music library, so if you delete something from a playlist , you haven't deleted the original music file itself):
Apple iTunes in Mac OS X: New Playlist for iPhone
Notice here on the very bottom of the iTunes window it shows you how many songs are in the playlist, along with the size and total playing time. For my current playlist, it's 140 songs, 10.1 hours, for a total file size of 851MB, no problem for my 4GB Apple iPhone.
At this point, you need to plug in your iPhone if you haven't already done so. It'll pop up the usual summary screen:
Apple iPhone: Summary view in iTunes
Cool. Now click on the "Music" tab and you'll see that you can select "sync playlist". Do that, then select the new iPhone sync playlist you've created, as shown here:
Apple iTunes in Mac OS X: Synchronizing New Playlist with iPhone
Set things up just as I have shown and that's all there is to it. Now click "Sync" in iTunes and it'll synchronize your playlist with the iPhone music library and next time you click on that ole' "iPod" button on the iPhone, your selections from you music library will be present.
Oh, and one really nice feature of creating this playlist is that you can manage it, adding and deleting songs to your heart's desire, even without your iPhone present. Whatever changes you make are instantly applied to your iPhone music library the very next time you synchronize the device. Suddenly even 8GB might feel small. :-)

How do I upload a video from my Apple iPhone to YouTube?

Dave's Answer:
If you've been experimenting, I'm surprised you haven't tried to email a video to yourself and noticed the "Upload to YouTube" button immediately below the email option, but I'll let ya slide this time and show you how to do it.
First off, a suggestion: while you're on a regular computer, I suggest that if you don't have a YouTube account that you sign up for one. It'll make the upload process from your iPhone 3GS a ton easier. I mean, you could enter all the account information on your cell, but, really, do you want to suffer through field after field after field of data entry when you could probably do the entire process in just a minute or two on your laptop or desktop system? :-)
Here's the sign up link: Sign up to get an account on YouTube.
Great. Now, let's get to it!
I took an (I admit, extraordinarily boring) example video while working on this blog entry that's about ten seconds long. When I look at the video in the photo gallery on the iPhone, it looks like this:
apple iphone upload video youtube 01
What you want to do is tap on the box with the arrow coming out of it on the lower left corner. Now you'll see some options:
apple iphone upload video youtube 02
Really, you should have already seen this if you've been experimenting with different features on your phone, but I'll cut you some slack!
Tap on "Send to YouTube" and...
apple iphone upload video youtube 03
Here's where you want to know your YouTube account settings. Enter them and tap on "Sign In". Now YouTube wants you to enter a title, description, tags, and categorize the video.
apple iphone upload video youtube 04
We'll start with the first few fields, then continue:
apple iphone upload video youtube 05
Remember as you go through this that the better your description the more likely people will find it when they're searching YouTube for specific types of videos.
apple iphone upload video youtube 06
And tags are perhaps the most important one to be generous and label properly: better to have a few extra than to be too stingy...
apple iphone upload video youtube 07
When you're ready, tap on "Publish" on the top right and you'll rather suddenly be dropped back into your photo gallery without any additional feedback:
apple iphone upload video youtube 08
If you look closely, though, the "online activity wheel" is shown on the top left and sure enough, while you're wondering what's going on, the video is actually being uploaded to YouTube directly.
After a few moments (or longer), you'll see the following pop up:
apple iphone upload video youtube 09
I'm enthusiastic, so I'll tap "View on YouTube", which switches me to the YouTube player app on the Apple iPhone 3GS:
apple iphone upload video youtube 10
And, finally, when I can view the video, well, I'm moving a bit too fast, perhaps:
apple iphone upload video youtube 11